What is a Near Death Experience (NDE)?

Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

What are Near Death Experiences?

Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are profound psychological events that may occur to individuals who have come close to death or have been in situations of physical or emotional crisis. These experiences often encompass a range of sensations, including feelings of peace, out-of-body experiences, and visions of tunnels, lights, or deceased loved ones.

Prevalence of NDEs

  • Surveys taken in the US, Australia, and Germany, suggest that 4 to 15 % of the population have had NDEs.

  • Overall, it is estimated that 5% of the world population has had an NDE.

  • Every day in the U.S., 774 NDEs occur, according to the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF).   

  • A large study conducted in the Netherlands showed that 18% of people who suffered a cardiac arrest and were clinically dead had later reported an NDE.

Demographics of NDErs

  • People of every demographic—age, sex, nationality, belief system, religious affiliation, etc.—have reported NDEs.

  • Mental health or psychiatric illness history is not a factor in one’s potential to experience an NDE.

  • NDE features do not vary based on the circumstances of the extreme situation or the demographics of the experiencer.

Common Features of NDEs

While the details of NDEs can vary widely among individuals, several common elements have been reported:

  1. Out-of-Body Experience (OBE): Many individuals report a sensation of floating above their body, often observing the medical personnel trying to revive them.

  2. Tunnel Experience: Some people describe traveling through a tunnel, often accompanied by a sense of motion or speed.

  3. Light: A bright light is frequently mentioned, often perceived as a source of unconditional love and acceptance.

  4. Life Review: Individuals may experience a review of their life, reflecting on their actions, relationships, and the impact they had on others.

  5. Encountering Beings: Reports of meeting deceased relatives, spiritual beings, or a feeling of connection with a higher power are common.

  6. Feelings of Peace: Many describe overwhelming feelings of joy, love, and peace, often contrasting with their earthly existence.

Negative Near Death Experiences

Not all NDEs are characterized by positive feelings and events. Some individuals, approximately 10% of those who have had an NDE, recount distressing or negative experiences, often referred to as "negative NDEs." These can include:

  • Feelings of Fear or Panic: Some people report sensations of terror, confusion, or dread during their experiences.

  • Dark, Chaotic Environments: Whereas many NDEs involve light and serenity, negative NDEs may feature dark, tumultuous settings, often described as hellish.

  • Encountering Hostile Beings: Individuals may report interactions with malevolent figures or a sense of judgment that leaves them feeling condemned.

  • Life Review with Guilt: In negative experiences, the life review may focus on the individual's failures or regrets, leading to feelings of shame or sorrow.

These negative experiences can lead to lasting psychological effects, including anxiety or depression, necessitating support and understanding for those who endure them.

Changes After an NDE

Individuals who have experienced an NDE often report transformative changes in their lives, which can include:

  1. Altered Perspectives on Life and Death: Many report a diminished fear of death and a greater appreciation for life. NDEs can provide insights into the nature of existence and the continuity of consciousness.

  2. Increased Compassion and Empathy: Following an NDE, individuals frequently express heightened emotions and a stronger connection to others, often becoming more compassionate and devoted to service.

  3. Spiritual Awakening: Many people experience a renewed interest in spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, or exploration of various belief systems.

  4. Changes in Values and Priorities: After an NDE, priorities often shift, with individuals valuing relationships, personal growth, and authenticity over material pursuits.

  5. Enhanced Intuition or Psychic Abilities: Some report increased intuitive capabilities, ongoing paranormal experiences, healing abilities, and/or heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others.

  6. Psychological Effects: While some experience positive changes, others may struggle with integrating their experience, leading to confusion, anxiety, or difficulty explaining their NDE to others.

How Psychology can be of help after an NDE

Understanding and sharing the experience of an NDE can help foster deeper connections and insights into the mysteries of life and death. Psychological services can be beneficial for individuals who have experienced a Near-Death Experience (NDE) in several ways:

  1. Processing Emotions: Therapy provides a safe space to explore and process the complex emotions that may arise after an NDE, such as fear, confusion, or joy.

  2. Understanding Impact: It helps individuals understand how the NDE has affected their perspectives on life, death, and their personal beliefs.

  3. Coping Strategies: A therapist can offer coping strategies to deal with any anxiety, existential questions, or significant changes in outlook that may follow an NDE.

  4. Integration: Psychology can assist in integrating the NDE experience into one's life, helping individuals make sense of it and find meaning.

  5. Support and Validation: Speaking with a therapist can provide validation for the experience, which may feel isolating. A therapist can help normalise feelings and experiences associated with NDEs.

  6. Sharing your NDE, talking through it, and processing the experience.  

  7. Psychoeducation about NDE’s- approaches through multi-disciplines, what we know so far, how we know, and resources to tap in to.

  8. Processing Grief at returning

  9. Adjustment with changes in self, our expressions (home, lifestyle, appearance), relationships (Social death), career, interests.

  10. Exploring issues such as identity, soul origin, and purpose, pre and post NDE.

  11. Adjustment to paranormal experiences. For example; Experiencing strange phenomena, abilities, paranormal events, electrical issues, spontaneously improved health and psychological issues, and knowledge.

  12. Addressing Psychological health issues that can occur after an NDE such as increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, adjustment, shock, and feeling unsure of one’s own mind.  

  13. Exploring how to communicate and talk to friends, partners, family, about the NDE and one’s own changes.

  14. Exploring pre NDE spiritual experiences and ideologies and how the NDE has impacted. Creating new frameworks based on your experience and personal changes.

  15. Identifying and exploring individual changes to values, and how to attend to life integrating these changes (e.g., career, lifestyle, social life, relationships, interests, and values).

  16. Exploring a new sense of self, and of connection. This can include grieving the ‘previous self and life’, grieving previous self-identity, self-motivation and drive, and previous points of reference. To then implementing core components of your NDE and your reflections, to align saliently within your footsteps moving forward.

  17. Exploring ways to connect with and build a new community that supports and nourishes you.