

  • "Life After Life" by Dr. Raymond Moody: A classic in NDE literature examining various cases.

  • "Dying to Be Me" by Anita Moorjani: A firsthand account of her NDE and the insights she gained.

  • "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers" by Annie Kagan: A unique perspective on life after death through the author’s experiences.

  • "Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience" by Dr. Pim van Lommel: Explores the relationship between consciousness and the brain, providing research findings from NDEs.

  • “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander. M.D.

  • “Life after near Death” Debra Diamond. Stories of healing and transformation after an NDE.

  • “Science and the Near-Death Experiences” Chris Carter. Using scientific evidence, Carter challenges materialist arguments against consciousness surviving death and shows how NDEs provide a glimpse of after life.

  • “The Heart of the Mind. Using our Mind to Transform our Consciousness” Jane Katra & Russell Tang. A scientist and a healer team up to explore the minds ability to experience God.

International Organisations & Websites

  • The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS): A nonprofit organization that provides resources, research, and support for those interested in NDEs.

  • The Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF): A foundation dedicated to documenting NDEs and providing information about experiences and research.


  • "Proof of Heaven": Based on Dr. Eben Alexander’s NDE and his subsequent insights.

  • "The Afterlife": A documentary exploring various individuals’ accounts and beliefs about life after death.


  • "The NDE Radio Show": Interviews and discussions about NDEs and their implications.

  • "Awakening to Consciousness": Explores consciousness and experiences of those who have undergone NDEs.

Lectures and Interviews

  • Look for lectures and interviews featuring Dr. Pim van Lommel on platforms like YouTube, where he discusses his research and findings on NDEs.