Frequently Asked



Why would seeing a psychologist for an NDE be useful?

An NDE changes a person’s life in an instant, and yet, all life around them stays the same. Whether the NDE was recently, or many years ago, it continues to be a very confronting and challenging experience to live with.

Engaging with a psychologist regarding an NDE can aid in an individual’s processing and integrating of their Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). Individuals may seek therapy to cope with feelings of confusion, anxiety, depression, spiritual or existential questions that arise after their NDE.

Psychology can provide a safe, secure, space alongside strategies, for the NDEr to process their emotions, integrate the experience into their lives, and address any changes in beliefs, relationships, life purpose, sense of self, and overall adjustment.

Seeing a psychologist can also greatly assist in addressing painful emotions and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety often present for an NDEr as they navigate life post NDE.

NDEs are frequently accompanied with ongoing paranormal experiences for the NDEr upon return. These experiences can be confronting and often isolating, especially if the NDEr does not have an open-minded support network. Psychology at The NDE Connexion can provide a safe space to talk about these elements and explore how you might navigate the experience.    


What should I expect when I see a psychologist?

Prior to your first appointment, you will be asked to read an information & consent form so that you are informed of therapy guidelines (e.g., confidentiality, fees, etc), and to complete online forms regarding your personal details (e.g., contact details).


Following this, the first session will focus on your therapist gaining an understanding of the key issues that have brought you to therapy. You may be asked broad questions such as where you grew up, as well as specific questions around any symptoms or issues regarding your NDE.


At the end of the first session, you will be asked what your key goals are for attending, and what you would like to work on regarding your NDE  (e.g., thoughts, emotions, patterns of behaviours, relationships, adjustments, grief, etc) that will give you a greater sense of well-being.


The first session is also a great opportunity to gain a sense of whether the psychologist is a ‘good fit’ for what you need. This is very important as the therapeutic relationship impacts significantly on peoples’ engagement and benefits from therapy sessions. You will be asked at the end of the first session if you are happy to continue together with therapy, and if you have any concerns or questions.


In the following sessions, your psychologist will continue to gain an understanding of your presenting concerns by exploring with you your thoughts, emotions, behaviour, values, strengths, and life experiences. You will likely be given strategies to reduce symptoms, and a place to process and create further awareness of underlying concerns, so that you are able to facilitate change in your life.


What about confidentiality?

Privacy is a very important issue in therapy, as it is important that you feel safe to express and talk about personal issues, in trusted confidence. Psychologists are required to adhere to strict legal requirements of the National Privacy Principles from the Privacy Amendment Act 2000. Your file and personal details are kept in a locked and secure filing cabinet, whereby only the treating psychologist has access too. Any information that is disclosed in sessions also remains confidential, unless the files are subpoenaed by a court, you give written permission to disclose any information to a specific other, or failure to disclose information places yourself or another person at risk.


It is important to be aware also, that if you are referred under a Mental Health Care Plan, that your psychologist is required to provide a report on your progress to your referring GP during and at the conclusion of therapy (every 6th, 10th and final session).


Will I need a referral?

You do not need a referral in order to see a psychologist. However, if you wish to claim the Medicare rebate, you will need to have a consultation with your GP in order to evaluate whether you are eligible to be referred under a mental health care plan.


A copy of the mental health care plan, in addition to a referral letter from your GP, will need to be given to your psychologist in order for it to be valid.


Is psychology covered by private health insurance?

Some private health insurers will cover psychology under their policies. Please check with your Health Cover provider to determine if your policy is inclusive of psychology sessions.


How long are the sessions?

Sessions are of a 50-minute duration and conducted via Telehealth.


How many sessions will I need and how often?

Therapy does not need to last for a long time, it can be a brief few sessions, or frequent sessions over a longer if needed, or sessions ad hoc when needed. It really depends on the individuals’ requirements.


How do I make the most out of my sessions?

To make the most out of your sessions, the following is recommended:

  • Please ensure that you attend your scheduled appointments, as cancelling, late rescheduling, or not showing may result in a prolonged wait due to the psychologists appointment times being booked out in advance.

  • Attending regular appointments, as discussed with your psychologist, will ensure that any early relapse signs or symptoms will be addressed early on, therefore progress is maintained more solidly.

  • You may wish to take notes, during or after sessions, to record any key points or insights that occurred in the session. A journal may also be helpful.

  • Prepare for each session by thinking about what you have learned from the previous sessions, identifying any changes that have, or have not occurred, and writing down any questions that you might have.

  • It is also useful to have a list of your goals on hand, to refer too during the process, so that you know you are addressing the key reasons that brought you to therapy initially.


What is the cost of each session?

Please contact us for current fees.

Should you have private health cover, please refer to your policy for specific rebates under your cover. Please note that you cannot claim both Medicare and Private Health for the same psychological session.


For cancellations, reschedules, and no shows within 48-hours of the scheduled appointment, 100% of the full fee is charged. 


How do I pay?

Payment for the session is made during the 50-minute appointment time, on the day. The fee is automatically deducted from payment details encrypted onto the administration system. Medicare rebates are also automatically conducted through the administration system. 


How do I make an appointment?

To make an appointment, please use the contact page. 


What if I need to reschedule or cancel?

Because psychologists are in high demand, it is important that you give plenty of notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment time. This is because other clients may be in need of an appointment and require time to organise attendance and availability to attend. There is also a loss of income for the psychologist if there is a late reschedule or cancellation, and the appointment remains vacant. For this reason, a late cancellation fee is applied. Please read carefully; for cancellations, reschedules, and no shows within 48-hours of the scheduled appointment, 100% of the full fee is charged.